Vantage Base Mix

Vantage Base Mix

Vantage Base Mix

Feed for finishing cattle
Increase animals’ food conversion efficiency (FCE)
Help heifers achieve mating size & weight by 15 months of age
The reason you can grow and finish a younger steer and heifer without having a problem with carcass quality is because this is not a technology that alters the metabolism of the steer.
Instead, this technology gets more nutrition from the diet fed that leads to better rates of gain and better feed efficiency in growing steers, bulls and heifers.

Vantage Base Mix Benefits:

Achieving more efficient bacteria production
Vantage feeds will reduce days on finishing diet by 20%
Good feed efficiency – cattle finishing at a younger age
Promotes rumen health
Feed intakes are constant
Because we reduce the acidotic challenge, cattle being fed on vantage feeds have improved foot health
Don’t have the typical acidotic smell you might expect with cattle on a finishing ration
Vantage Base Mix Cows