Calf-Vantage Starter

Calf Vantage Starter

Calf-Vantage Starter

Realise More of The Genetic Potential in Every Heifer

The Calf-Vantage Starter features enhanced technology that allows us to feed higher forage diets to young growing heifers. It is a complete line of feeds which contains the minerals and technology required to get this kind of volumetric frame growth.

The research technology incorporated in calf-vantage feeds significantly increases the rumen bacteria that flows to the intestinal track of the animal which helps promote the proper protein to energy ratio in the intestine which guarantees that you will get this volumetric frame growth.

Benefits of Calf-Vantage Starter:

Groups grow at a very uniform rate
Promotes superior frame development
Reduces age of first breeding
Increases feed efficiency
Accelerated diet which allows you to grow heifers at optimum speed but remain healthy
Calf-Vantage Starter Products

By enhancing the microbial protein in these animals, we can increase the volumetric frame growth of the animals eg. they grow faster in height, length and width

Significant improvements in reproduction because of the extra metabolizable protein that we achieve with this enhanced feed digestibility in the animal.

One of the things that a lot of different studies have shown is that if we grow a heifer faster, they are in fact healthier and more productive when they become cows and go into the milking herd.

Calf Vantage Starter Products
Improving Health For Dairy Cows

Key things to keep in mind when talking about a heifer that calves for the first time, is that for every kilo of lean gain that she is trying to put on or needs to put on after she calves causes us 10 kilos of milk that she could have produced if that lean tissue gain had already been there before she calved.

The growth plates in the pelvis close between 10-12 months of age so to promote easier calving we need to pay special attention to frame growth in the first year of life. If we have the proper protein to energy ratio as promoted by calf-vantage feeds you will get this consistent volumetric frame growth even on high forage diets.