Silostop Wall Film

Silostop Wall Film

Silostop Wall Film
Heavy-duty Oxygen Barrier Film

Combine Wall film with Silostop Orange or Max for total bunker protection. Fold inwards over the forage and then apply the top film sheet.

Silostop Wall Film ensures you will achieve the ultimate seal and maximum silage protection when used in combination with a Silostop Oxygen Barrier top film.

Its distinctive silver-grey colour offers you the assurance that you are using genuine Silostop oxygen barrier technology.

Silostop Wall film protects concrete walls from corrosion by silage acids and prevents the shoulders from aerobic spoilage.

Silostop Wall Film Benefits

Available in 4m, 5m and 6m widths.
Side and shoulder spoilage is virtually eliminated, saving money on labour to remove waste silage.
Despite being considerably thinner than conventional plastic, Silostop Wall Film is strong and durable for improved ease of handling.
Silostop Wall Film Roll
Evidence shows that up to 30cm of silage can be saved from the edges and shoulders of bunker silos.
Silostop Oxygen Barrier Film is continually independently researched and there are multiple published trials on its efficiency.
Silostop Wall Film Benefits
With Silostop Wall Film
Without Silostop Wall Film